Ask Doist: How Do I Stay Motivated on a Project That Never Seems to End?
A reader asks how to overcome project fatigue when "break it down into smaller tasks" just isn't cutting it
From the philosophical to the super practical, we answer real readers’ real questions about work and life. Got a question? Send it to ask@doist.com.
A reader asks how to overcome project fatigue when "break it down into smaller tasks" just isn't cutting it
Thoughts on everything from extroverts working remotely to the logistics of operating a distributed company
Currently reassessing their life, one reader asks about the best steps towards a radical career change.
A college student asks for advice on managing their course load while also prioritizing hobbies, relationships, work, health and self-care
A reader asks about striving towards long-term goals in the face of an uncertain future
A help desk worker asks how to make time for focused work when users constantly demand attention
A university employee is struggling to get through her department's hour-plus meetings
A reader with a new remote job asks how to build relationships with coworkers authentically
A reader asks if she needs to banish herself from Instagram to have a healthy relationship with her tech